Online Identity Verification Methods
Online Identity verification services (eIDs) are very useful tools to increase online security. eID is a biometric verification system, which is used to authenticate online transactions, such as online credit card applications, or electronic signatures. Online id verification systems use different methods for providing evidence of the authenticity of a person, including digital signature, password, digital fingerprint, iris scan, or retinal scans. Using this method can make online transactions safe from fraudulent people and businesses.
Electronic signature or computerized signatures are a convenient way to provide authentication proof for documents and other digital items. However, these methods are often prone to fraudulent use, making them useless for implementing effective eIDs. An eID is useless for detecting a signature when it contains obvious errors such as typos, fonts and spacing mistakes. Computer-generated passwords also prove ineffective in authentication because they are easily cracked. Lastly, fingerprints and retinal scans cannot be verified by a machine learning algorithm because these algorithms are designed to work on images and are too common to be used with biometrics.
Computer-based and manual authentication can provide excellent protection from online ID theft, but both of these methods are unable to provide 100% security against fraudulent use of personal data. The lack of a complete identification verification process makes it much easier for identity thieves to commit fraud using personal data, such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, bank account information, and passport photos. For this reason, people who want to ensure that their identities remain safe should consider using biometrics, fingerprint scanners, and retinal scans.
marketing are pieces of hardware that can be scanned by hand or automatically with a specific pattern that is unique to each individual. With the combination of a hand print or facial scan, it is possible to quickly determine whether or not a person is who they claim to be. While biometrics have been a major breakthrough in providing authentication strength, they still fall short of fully protecting an identity and do not offer full protection against fraud and identity theft. For this reason, people should always take special precautions, including performing random checks for identity fraud just as they would for any other suspicious activity, and making sure that they only give their true Social Security number or other identifying information out over the Internet.
A physical piece of equipment, such as a thumb drive or pen, is another option for a complete and effective online ID verification process. Fingerprint scanners and retinal scans are also available for use at stores and online retailers. However, these pieces of hardware are not always foolproof, especially if the person carrying the document or photo has a malicious intention. Hackers can use malicious software to intercept the information before it can enter the system. This means that there are still chances for identity documents to be intercepted, even though a physical piece of hardware.
Biometric scanners are a relatively new addition to the list of options for online identity verification. These devices are usually used by government agencies or law enforcement officials to detect illegal immigrants or other individuals with facial recognition capabilities. While they work quite well, they are not foolproof and cannot be used 100 percent of the time. Sometimes they are unable to detect an individual simply because his or her features are not distinctive enough.
Document authentication, on the other hand, offers more granularity in detecting bogus documents than fingerprint or facial recognition technology. By requiring the same number of elements as other forms of authentication, document authentication makes it possible to differentiate between duplicate and unauthorized profiles. In addition, because it requires more information to authenticate than typical forms of personal identifier, it may offer a better solution for businesses and organizations that require many different user identities and multiple levels of authentication. However, it is quite slower to implement and is considerably less secure than typical forms of identity verification.
The three most common online identity verification methods are fingerprint scanning, iris scanning, and facial biometrics. Each one has its strengths and weaknesses. Fingerprint scanning is extremely effective at verifying a person's age and gender. It is also convenient since it only requires the person's finger or thumb to conduct the verification process. Iris scanning, on the other hand, is effective at verifying ages and genders, but does not store data. Lastly, facial biometrics is probably the best option when it comes to storing data since it can be scanned from several angles to match the profile of a potential victim.